Respire Expert’s Review

Kerry Hahn
Expert’s Review: Respire Blue+
I particularly love the shorter height and overall bulk of the new Respire Blue+™! With this slimmer design, I am seeing firsthand how patients of all facial sizes and structures are able to more easily insert and remove their appliance.
The 12.5% decrease in device volume increases patient comfort, which leads to increased compliance with wearing the device long term. The less adaptation and adjustments a patient has to go through initially, the more confidence and motivation they have with the device and utilizing it for their sleep needs.
The straighter angle of wings at 80 degrees does an excellent job of maintaining the desired mandibular position, regardless of a patient’s sleep position. As such, we optimize the efficacy of the device in treating our patient’s postural OSA.
The reduced lingual coverage provides less bulk overall and is great in improving patient comfort by not encroaching upon the tongue space. I also believe the thinner buccal surfaces have been a great improvement as well, as my patients are surprised by how comfortable and less bulky this new device feels in their mouths. Previously, I had to often trim the buccal surfaces away from the gingiva for patient comfort. I am now noticing I have to do so to a much less frequent degree. This results in less chair-time and adjustments, which leads to increased efficiency and profitability.
With the new Respire Blue+™, I feel confident prescribing this design to an array of patients. With the previous design, I was more hesitant on patients with tighter facial musculature and smaller oral cavities. I even feel more confident prescribing this new design with our clenching patients. I’m finding myself more and more comfortable utilizing the Respire Blue +™ given it’s high acceptance amongst my patients and increased overall comfort and compliance.

Nicole Chenet
Expert’s Review: Respire Blue+
The reduction of the acrylic bulk in Respire’s new Blue+’s design just makes everything better about the device. In particular, in the lingual and the distal buccal areas the patients do not feel like it’s pressing against their cheeks and this makes it easier for their mouth to close. It also helps to promote more tongue space and the patient doesn’t feel overwhelmed in the confines of their mouth.
I love the 80 degree wings. Number one, its improved angulation aids in the patient opening their mouth easily. Number two, it aids in the mouth staying closed overnight. The reduced size of the dorsal fin wing has greatly improved and I feel it has led to having more strength and durability when the patients advance the device. With metal bars removed from the sides, patients can put the device in their mouth far more comfortably than they were before. The lower profile on the sides prevents the patient’s muscles and tongue from fighting against it, helping them to relax and allows them to have improved lip seal throughout the night.
Respire Blue+’s enhanced design has really broadened the range of applications in patients! Since the new design, Respire Blue+ is a more durable and a far more comfortable device, I would have no hesitation in any application other than a heavy lateral bruxer. Patients with a very small mouth are far more comfortable in the Respire Blue+ as compared to the previous design. Lastly, another improved clinical application, patients who are missing multiple posterior and or anterior teeth where you would be concerned about a herbst arm possibly pulling off the lower device, the new Respire Blue+ is an excellent option for these patients. It assures that the device has good retention in the edentulous areas and doesn’t overwhelm the patient.
Overall, I recommend the Respire Blue+. Not only have I been impressed with the improvements in design but also the positive feedback from patients and far less adjustment appointments due to the patient comfort and better compliance.

Kathi Wilson
Expert’s Review: Respire Blue+
With its recently enhanced design, the Respire Blue+ gives me one more tool in the toolbox. The smaller profile means its appropriate for a larger patient population. It is well-tolerated and sturdy enough for big-time clenchers.
The enhanced design provides a smaller overall size, meaning less bulk in the patient’s mouth. Wings are shortened giving less bulk in the patient’s mouth. Additionally, the angle of wings got straighter to help keep the jaw forward when they relax open a little, which is important for the treatment because it protects the airway. With having the anterior metal bars removed, they no longer annoy lips and having them move towards the side/back is more comfortable in patient’s mouth. Narrower block on the upper reduces the bulk to increase comfort, meaning increased compliance.
I definitely would recommend the Respire Blue+’s new design to dentists who can look in a mouth and be able to tell who is more of a clencher and who is more of a grinder.

Gregory Osborne
Expert’s Review: Respire Pink AT
Respire Pink AT™ provides quicker, easier advancements with better key design – great for telehealth!
Let’s start with the easier turn system of 1 full turn = 0.25 mm by inserting the key in the back of the hinge and rotating simply. Previous mechanisms are tedious, frustrating, and easy to lose track of while turning so many revolutions. This was all that was available 30+ years ago when I used them in orthodontics. They were never significantly changed until Respire came along with the new AT concept. That is why I use the mnemonic for AT to stand for “About Time”. It is about time someone came up with a better mousetrap. It is about Saving time.
I also appreciate the integrated measuring scale on arms. I can verify that each side is symmetrical or where the position is intended to be when the patient comes back. Sometimes the patient or staff (never the doctor) could turn the key the wrong direction accidentally. This is important for the treatment and patients, because asymmetrical advancement or advancing too quickly can set up TMD problems. Advancing the wrong direction slows the treatment progression.
The special titration key is easier to hold, easier to turn, and easier to count revolutions. Some of our patients are dealing with arthritis in their hands and diminished eyesight. Older gears made this a real challenge. The key that can be easily used is important for our patients, since some of our patients travel from long distances for treatment and prefer to self-advance, and some of our patients move out of state and may not return.
At last but not the least, the Respire Pink AT™ is great for telehealth, and we have used Telehealth for a few years now. Trying to show someone on a monitor how to turn an older style gear vs demonstrating the Respire Pink AT™ is so much easier now. The PDAC approval for some insurance carriers dictates our propulsion mechanism choices. At least now we have a better choice.
There is not one oral appliance that is the best for every patient. Every dentist, however, that does OAT, should always have the Respire Pink AT ™ as the best choice for certain patients. (and I rarely would use a “never/always” statement).

Barry N. Chase
Expert’s Review: Respire Digital Splint
I love the Respire Digital splint for its predictable fit – always fitting perfectly, it’s flexible and comfortable for the patient. All designs are customizable for each patient.
Its 3D printing process assures great accuracy and a faster turnaround time. Besides the fit, Respire Digital splint is metal free, so there isn’t any metal rubbing the teeth making it more comfortable for the patient.
The process benefits dentists from making repairs and remakes much faster.
The flexible material of splint makes the devices smaller and more comfortable with less chance of breaking. Needless to say, all acrylic is easy on and off.
I would recommend Respire Digital splint to all patients – there is no contraindications, and to any dentist who wants an appliance that is custom designed, flexible, and patient-friendly!