Series 2000 Appliances
Series 2000 Appliances are available in both Maxillary and Mandibular Designs. For successful implementations of the Series 2000 appliances, there are a few key areas that need to be reviewed and understood for the optimum use of the various appliance designs.
Panoramic Radiographs: It is important to take x-rays and evaluate for adequate root formation, missing teeth and ectopic eruption. Poor root structure or unerupted teeth will affect the timing for appliance delivery.
Self-Limiting Design: To eliminate the tube and rod from becoming disengaged during active treatment the niti springs are set 1- 2mm shorter than the rod.
High Narrow Palate: These cases limit the amount of tube, rod and spring that can be placed in the appliance for transverse development. To maximize transverse movement in high palatal cases, doctors may prefer placing an expansion screw in the Series 2000 design.
Grams of Force The self-activating niti springs provide 125gm to 180gm of force per spring.
The MAX is a maxillary spring loaded palatal expander. The MAX utilizes the nickel titanium open coil spring rod-tube mechanism for a continuous low force system to gain arch width.
DMAX or “Distalizing Maxillary Expander” utilizes either a midpalatal nickel titanium open coil spring rod-tube mechanism or a standard jackscrew for transverse movement and the same rod-tube mechanism on the lingual to distalize the molars.
DMAX/RPE or “Fixed Distalizing Maxillary Expander”. The hygienic fixed design is superior for total maxillary arch development. The rapid palatal expansion screw provides positive force for transverse movement. No adjustments are needed for molar distalization. Bodily movement without crown tipping is gained by the low continuous forces of the nickel titanium open coil springs.
SAG is a fixed sagittal appliance which incorporates a mid-palatal jackscrew as well as the telescopic rod-tube nickel titanium open coil spring design. The SAG™ is designed to be used in Class III skeletal cases with mid-face deficiencies anterior-posterior as well as transversely.
TB SAG Tooth borne sagittal design for Class II Division II correction. This appliance will distalize maxillary molars and simultaneously put pressure on central and lateral incisors for forward movement. It is excellent for Class III skeletal cases.
SAN or “Spring Advancing Nance” is a superior appliance following SAG™ treatment to maintain skeletal arch advancement. The nickel titanium spring loaded SAN™ supplies a predetermined amount of continuous force to the maxilla. The totally spring activated design requires no adjustments by the patient or doctor.
MSX or “Mandibular Spring Expander” is a totally spring activated appliance requiring only recall observation visits. The MSX™ employs the nickel titanium open coil spring rod-tube mechanism bilaterally and replaces the midline jackscrew with nickel titanium open coil spring rod-tube mechanism.
MJX or “Mandibular Jackscrew Expander” is a lower arch developing appliance that utilizes a midline jackscrew for arch width and a lingual nickel titanium open coil spring rod-tube mechanisms bilaterally for distalizing molars simultaneously gaining arch length.
MSC or “Mandibular Space Closer” is excellent for bodily advancing molars mesially where second bicuspids have been removed. The unique rod-tube and titanium spring produces light force for space closure without crown tipping. The self adjusting springs require no adjustments once the appliance is cemented in place.
SAL or “Spring Advancing Lingual” is excellent to advance mandibular incisors to a predictable result. The SAL does not require activation or de-activation chair side adjustments. The telescopic rod-tube and open coil titanium springs provide low continuous forces for advancement of the incisors to a predetermined position. This is also an excellent choice for single tooth cross bites in the maxillary arch.
EAS or “Expanding Advancing Sheath” combines the MAX™ design for maxillary transverse movement with mandibular advancing mechanics for skeletal Class II correction. The lower appliance designs incorporate Series 2000™ options for either development of arch width, arch length or extraction space closure.
EAS MSX is a totally spring activated appliance requiring only recall observation visits. The MSX™ employs the nickel titanium open coil spring rod-tube mechanism bilaterally and replaces the midline jackscrew with nickel titanium open coil spring rod-tube mechanism.
EAS MJX is a lower arch developing appliance that utilizes a midline jackscrew for
arch width and a lingual nickel titanium open coil spring rod-tube mechanisms
bilaterally for distalizing molars simultaneously gaining arch length.
EAS MSC or “Mandibular Spring Closure” is excellent for bodily advancing molars mesially where second bicuspids have been removed. The unique rod-tube and titanium spring produces light force for space closure without crown tipping. The self adjusting springs require no adjustments once the appliance is cemented in place.
Mixed Dentition
The Series 2000® appliances work excellent in mixed dentition cases for both arch development and molar distalization. Appliances can be fabricated with either all Self Activating Springs or expansion screws can be added for transverse movement such as the DMAX/RPE or MJX designs.
Check for Adequate Root Structure
To support the Series 2000® appliances during active treatment the first deciduous molars (D’s) require a minimum of 6 months root structure. Loss of the deciduous teeth during treatment will result in the appliance coming unseated.
Increased Retention of Deciduous Teeth
To increase appliance retention in mixed dentition, DynaFlex® can fit stainless steel crown on the deciduous cuspids or molars.The crowns are stronger, reducing timely and costly band replacement.
Alternative to Four Bands
Some doctors prefer to modify the four band designs with rests placed on either the first or second deciduous molars (D’s or E’s). This modification requires composite to be placed over the occlusal rest for retention.
Simplify Appliance Delivery
The Series 2000® appliances simplify two phase treatment, require no active adjustments and result in shorter, fewer office visits for the patient and Doctor.
Appliance Delivery
Series 2000® appliances are seated in an anterior-posterior direction to take advantage of the tube/rod design. Always seat the smaller bands first (D’s or bicuspids). The molar bands are adjustable in a lingual buccal direction for easy insertion of the appliance. The rotational feature of the molar bands helps eliminate path of insertion problems that can occur with other four-banded appliance designs.

Increase Appliance Efficiency
Trial Fitting Appliance
Trial fitting allows time for the appliance to “settle in” adapting to the tissue and contacts for proper delivery. All Series 2000® appliances should be pre-seated before cementation. Pre-seat appliance in the arch for 10 to 15 minutes. The power chain or tie wires must remain stretched in place to hold the appliance passive.
Appliance Activation
Once the Series 2000 appliance is cemented in place, the power chains or tie wires are removed for activation. The self-activated niti springs are free to express themselves providing force for tooth movement and arch development.
Additional Activation
In most cases this is not required. All Series 2000® appliances are fabricated with the maximum amount of tube, rod and spring in each appliance. In unique situations, re-activation can be achieved by simply re-compression the niti spring on the rod with a .040 crimpable stop.
De-Activation of Appliance
Once the desired result is achieved, the appliance must be de-activated. The Series 2000® appliances are de-activated by placing a small amount of composite on the spring to stop further opening. Many doctors will have the patients continue wearing the appliance passively for another two to three months for stability.